As children we learn to use our imagination and believe that anything is possible, even the idea that a big dude in a red suit delivers gifts to millions of children across the world! But then, reality sets in and we learn maybe that's not the case. I have been grateful to live and learn from a community in this world that teaches us that we give to give and receive to receive. Giving does not demand receiving and receiving does not demand giving back, despite the way society has taught us to be constantly in debt to one another.
This year my family, like many across the world have dealt with full-time job loss and Mrs. C and I became first-time foster parents - 2 weeks before the pandemic! We hope our journey can be an inspiration and an opportunity to keep learning! Despite the loss we've experienced this year we have created so many family memories! We hope to make Santa an experience for your family that inspires you and yours during the holiday season and year-round!
We can choose where and how to GIVE of our time, GIVE of our talents, GIVE of our witness, and GIVE of our financial gifts. I choose to use my life to support those who don't have equal opportunity in this life. As a foster parent and as a person to stands for social justice through Black Lives Matter, LGBTQIA+ rights, women's rights, and peoples with disabilities rights, I am choosing to put my effort's as Santa to the best use I can.
I am Santa Claus.
I am a Giver,
not just of gifts but of ways for YOU
to be like Santa Claus too...

Cyril is the Santa I wish I knew as a child...
He somehow manages to balance a patient spirit with an engaging welcome. Rather than teaching the 'values' of materialism and instant gratification that so insidiously accompany our co-opted commercialized Christmas, Cyril's Santa teach LOVE and affirms the unique worth of each person. I've seen Santa Claus Cyril with communities diverse in race, age, gender, and ability - and the reception is unanimously positive.
Quinn Holmquist, community leader @realityministries.